On July 14, I entered Mountain View Hospital hoping for relief for a seriously injured right knee. Dr. Joseph Liljenquist was a surgeon highly recommended by friends. I checked in, was wheeled through hallways and entered the operating room. Eight or 10 people on various teams were waiting. The anesthesiologists quickly sedated me and waking two hours later, I found myself in a large room, with nurses warming me, ensuring a quick recovery. As the afternoon progressed, my appetite returned. When I asked about lunch, I was handed a menu. How exciting. I chose a delicious Reuben sandwich with fruit and green tea, not the unappetizing hospital food of the past.
Knee replacement patients are expected to walk on the day of surgery, and to my amazement, I climbed out of bed by late afternoon and walked pain-free for the first time in months. Throughout the evening and night, cheerful nurses attended me, and I slept, thankful that I’d be able to soon walk my dog. Medicare paid for an ice machine that slows swelling, plus a short-term rental machine that moves my knee throughout the night. Back at home, a nurse changes my dressing every three days and a physical therapist comes daily with exercises to strengthen my leg muscles. The entire system worked flawlessly, from intake to checkout.
Idaho Falls is fortunate to have a private, physician-owned hospital with competent doctors, nurses and professional teams to deal with our health concerns. Thank you, Mountain View Hospital.
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